Using A Specialty Display to Draw Attention to Your Booth

Bumbo Ferris Wheel Specialty Display | DisplayCraft

Creating excitement while delivering ROI on the trade show floor is one of the hardest tasks for event managers. There can be many reasons for low lead generation, most of the time it’s opportunity. If giveaways and games are not getting the traffic you desire, creating a unique specialty display can be another solution.

Among a sea of static booths, movement attracts the eye. Anytime you can incorporate movement into your exhibit you create an advantage. Whether it is a video wall or rotating signage, a moving specialty display will cause attendees to take a moment and admire. Once you’ve stopped them you can comfortably begin a conversation.

When small talk does not come easy, having a conversation piece is a great ice-breaker. Incorporating your products into a display can make discussing your company even easier. Hey, isn’t this cool? The custom made Ferris wheel is displaying our products. A perfect opportunity for a more in depth conversation while hopefully the beginning of a successful business relationship.

This is how Bumbo generated traffic and drew attention to their booth at the ABC Kids Show in Las Vegas. A custom 10’ tall Ferris wheel highlighted Bumbo’s popular multi seats in various colors as the display rotated. The Ferris wheel was a fun conversation piece and a wonderful theme for the ABC Kids Show.

DisplayCraft is proud to create this unique display for the amazing people at Bumbo International. If you’d like to know more about this project or our capabilities, please Contact Us.